
Nélida Manrique

Nélida Manrique is a volcanologist working at the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET).

She is interested in understanding the internal and external processes of active volcanoes, developing volcano monitoring, and assessing volcanic hazards. In addition, she is very interested in improving the communication of scientific data to the public, including through geoheritage.

Mobility Fund

In addition to Nélida’s work on the Arequipa project, she was also independently awarded a Mobility Fund to undertake further research. Thanks to the IF Mobility Fund Nélida:

  • Presented two posters, one about the latest eruption of Ubinas and the other about the Añashuayco geosite in Arequipa.  
  • Conducted two oral presentations on the participation of young Latin American volcanologists and the presentation of the video “Nina y el Origen del Sillar.”  
  • Participated in the organization of the workshop “IV Encuentro de Jóvenes Volcanólogos Latinoamericanos (JVLA)” and the session “Fair science, equitable and inclusive communities: commemorative session to Martha Navarro Collado.”  
  • Participated in the workshops “Sharing lessons from working alongside communities at risk from volcanic eruptions: where are we now and how can we improve” and “Experiences in preparing for and responding to the health impacts of volcanic eruptions in Latin America: Story sharing and information exchange.” 
  • Supported in the presentation. “Bringing Volcanoes to the Museum: Archiving Volcanic Deposits with Epoxy Resin. An Example in Arequipa, Peru.” 

 The major outcomes of the research included: 

  • Establishing meaningful connections with Geoscientists the other countries to develop projects related to geological heritage and disaster risk management.  
  • Developing new leadership skills to work with communities living in the vicinity of study areas.  
  • Acquiring new knowledge in the field of geological heritage in volcanic zones. 



-Participation in the organization of the         -Explanation of the poster “Ubinas Activity in 2023.” 

IV Young Volcanologists Meeting

(To the right Nélida Manrique)