People Category: Research Partners

Ilgin Deniz Can

Ilgın Deniz Can is a botanist, studying for a PhD at Hacettepe University, Ankara. She holds an MSc in botany and ... Read moreRead more

Aman Garang Wel

Aman Garang Wel is a Research Specialist with project management skills. He has previously worked as a Research Project Lead ... Read moreRead more

Dennis Momanyi Mogeni

Dennis Momanyi works with Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) Kenya as the Country Representative. His roles and responsibilities include; ensuring higher ... Read moreRead more

Sandra Nikusev

Sandra Nikusev was recently awarded her undergraduate degree in Art History with Museum and Gallery Studies at the University of ... Read moreRead more

César Quispe

César Quispe is a geologist working at the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET). His interests are focused ... Read moreRead more

Rossibel Churata

Rossibel Churata is a Materials Engineer working at the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA). She is interested ... Read moreRead more

Carla Jenifer Palacios Nuñez

Carla has a degree in geological engineering from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), with training in volcanology ... Read moreRead more

Jersy Mariño

Jersy Mariño is a geologist with the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET). He graduated from the Peruvian National University of ... Read moreRead more

Constanza Perales

Constanza Perales is a project geologist for the Red Nacional de Vigilancia Volcánica (RNVV) of Servicio Nacional de Geología y ... Read moreRead more

Rigoberto Aguilar

Rigoberto Aguilar is a geologist working at the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET). He is interested in ... Read moreRead more

Hao Bui

Hao is a senior Social Studies student at Fulbright University Vietnam. He has demonstrated his commitment to community service through ... Read moreRead more

Monicah Twinomujuni

Monicah Twinomujuni is an Associate of Arts in Management; she completed Global History Lab course from Princeton University and is ... Read moreRead more

Mohammed Talil

Mohammed Talil is an Associate of Arts in Management; he completed the Global History Lab course from Princeton University and ... Read moreRead more

Gerawork Teferra

Gerawork has an MA in Development Economics (PA), he has completed the Global History Lab and Oral History Research Method ... Read moreRead more

Br Sixtus Luoga

Br Sixtus Luoga is a member of the Roman Catholic Church and  of the Missionary Benedictine Congregation of Saint Ottilien ... Read moreRead more

Fr Tuzinde Mgassa OSB (1969-2023)

It is with great sadness that we at Imagining Futures mourn the passing of Father Tuzinde, a great loss to ... Read moreRead more

Sr Flora Ngombo

Sr Flora Ngombo a member of Benedictine sisters in Mtwara. She has BA in History and education and MA in ... Read moreRead more

Njabulo Chipangura

Njabulo Chipangura -  holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and is  the ... Read moreRead more

Takudzwa Pasipanodya

Mr Takudzwa Beaumont Pasipanodya is an Archaeologist and Head of Archaeology Department with National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe for ... Read moreRead more

Roselyne Masamha

Dr Roselyne Masamha is the Principal Investigator and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Exeter. Her clinical practice background ... Read moreRead more

Juan Fernando Cobo

Juan Fernando Cobo Betancourt is Assistant Professor of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research focuses on ... Read moreRead more

José Carlos De la Puente

José Carlos de la Puente Luna is a Professor of Latin American History and Director of Graduate Studies at Texas ... Read moreRead more

Gabriela Ramos

Gabriela Ramos is Professor of Latin American History and Director of the Centre of Latin American Studies at the University ... Read moreRead more

Eliana Torres Toro

Eliana Torres Toro is an architect and Master in Urban-Regional Studies from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She has over ... Read moreRead more

Natalia Villamizar Duarte

Dr Natalia Villamizar Duarte is an urban planner and designer interested in people’s experiences of their cities, and particularly in ... Read moreRead more

Luz Mila Hernandez

Luz Mila Hernandez is a community leader based in Moravia and co-leads the collective Moravia Resiste. She has lived for ... Read moreRead more

Catalina Ortiz

Dr Catalina Ortiz is a Colombian urbanist with several years of experience building spaces for co-creation of knowledge with communities ... Read moreRead more

Ana María Restrepo

Ana María Restrepo is a cultural manager and Director of the Moravia Cultural Centre. She has experience developing and managing ... Read moreRead more

Ian Dawson

Ian Dawson is an artist and Lecturer at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton where he is Director of ... Read moreRead more

Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp

Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp is Senior Curator of Anthropology at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, London UK and cahir of the Museum ... Read moreRead more

Lennon Mhishi

Lennon Mhishi is an anthropologist whose interdisciplinary work spans interests in Africa and its diasporas, afterlives of slavery and colonialism, ... Read moreRead more

Timonson Jairus Agiver Bwanah

Timonson Jairus Agiver Bwanah, Founder director of African Genre Shield – AGES Kenya, (Talent Nurturing in line of Culture and ... Read moreRead more

George Juma Ondeng’

George Juma Ondeng’ short bio He studied MA Cultural Heritage and International Development at the University of East Anglia (UK). ... Read moreRead more

Yrma Linares

Yrma Linares is an architect at INDECI (Civil Protection of Peru), specializing in environmental and risk management. As Head of ... Read moreRead more

Nélida Manrique

Nélida Manrique is a volcanologist working at the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET). She is interested in ... Read moreRead more

Amy Donovan

Amy Donovan is an Academic in the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge, and Official Fellow and Director ... Read moreRead more

Julie Morin

Julie Morin is a geographer interested in transdisciplinary disaster risk reduction. She is currently a Research Associate in the Department ... Read moreRead more

Esperanzo Mwilongo

He is a librarian, he studied in the United Kingdom and worked at Hanga Abbey  as an English and History ... Read moreRead more

Emmanuel Xavery Zullu Gama

He is a chief of Wangoni and he was educated and grew up in Peramiho.  He is accountant by profession. ... Read moreRead more

Xaver Kazimoto Komba

Dr Xaver Kazimoto Komba works as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Dodoma, holds a doctorate in theology from ... Read moreRead more

Mukul Patel

Mukul Patel is an artist and researcher who develops intermedia works, environments and platforms, alongside composing for contemporary dance, film ... Read moreRead more

Manu Luksch

Manu Luksch makes films and artworks that investigate the effects of emerging technologies on daily life, social relations, urban space, ... Read moreRead more

Srilata Sircar

Srilata Sircar is a geographer based at the King’s India Institute, King’s College London. Her work has been published in ... Read moreRead more

Ufaque Paiker

Ufaque Paiker has a PhD in Modern Indian History from the Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her work lies at the intersection ... Read moreRead more

Raktim Ray

Raktim Ray is a Lecturer (Teaching) at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU). He is the joint Programme Leader for ... Read moreRead more

Gabriela Zamorano Villarreal

Gabriela Zamorano Villarreal is researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, CIESAS-CDMX. She is the ... Read moreRead more

Sandra Rozental

Sandra Rozental is an anthropologist and an Associate Professor in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana ... Read moreRead more

Rudolf Mremi

Rudolf Mremi is a Lecturer at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka where he has been working since 2013. ... Read moreRead more

Charlotte Roueche

Charlotte Roueché (Partner for Phase II) is Professor Emeritus of Digital Hellenic Studies at King’s College London.  Charlotte works on ... Read moreRead more

Adriana Cadena Roa

Adriana Cadena Roa. Doctor in Arts and Master’s degree in Social Anthropology, with specialisation in Cultural Management, Cultural Policy and ... Read moreRead more

Elizabeth Guerrero Molina

Elizabeth Guerrero Molina. Bachelor in Sociology from the National Autonomous University in Mexico and Master in Semiotics by the University ... Read moreRead more

Patricia Balvanera

Patricia Balvanera (Patty) is a professor at the Institute for Ecosystems and Sustainability Research at the National Autonomous University of ... Read moreRead more

Emilio Hernández Martínez

Emilio Hernández Martínez is a creative researcher and a design thinker, working at the intersection of learning space design, social ... Read moreRead more

Mariana Martínez Balvanera

Mariana Martínez is a designer and artist based in The Netherlands and Mexico, working in the realm of community lead ... Read moreRead more

Daniela Sclavo Castillo

Daniela Sclavo is a biologist and historian of science working on cultural understandings of crop conservation efforts and the intersections ... Read moreRead more

Jackie Davies

Jackie is a communication expert who has been working in the ‘communication for development’ space for over 20 years. She ... Read moreRead more

Daniela Marian Mussali Meza

Daniela Marian Mussali Meza is a community organiser, farmer, educator, manager of social and environmental projects focused on the conservation ... Read moreRead more

Olin Moctezuma-Burns

Olin Moctezuma-Burns is a Gates scholar and PhD candidate in the History and Philosophy of Science department in Cambridge. Her ... Read moreRead more

Cristian Miguel Torres Gutiérrez

Cristian Miguel Torres Gutierrez is a PhD researcher in Cultural History at the University of Oslo, Norway. His research focuses ... Read moreRead more

Neha Rane

Neha is trained in Economics at undergraduate level, soon moved to public policy, a multidisciplinary field for post-graduation studies. A ... Read moreRead more

Saili K. Palande-Datar

Saili has a degree in Electronic Engineering after which she pursued postgraduate studies in Indology, and Environment Conservation & Natural ... Read moreRead more

Quang Nguyen

Quang is an architect, artist and influencer. He completed postgraduate studies in Design Management at University of the Arts London ... Read moreRead more

Diana Lê

Diana is passionate about preserving cultural heritage. At Hackney Archives she has worked to safeguard the An Viet archive – ... Read moreRead more

Rachel Anne Tough

Rachel Tough is a doctoral researcher in the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia (UEA). She ... Read moreRead more

Marco Méndez

Marco Méndez (Mitla, Oaxaca, MEX, 1986) holds a Licenciatura (BA) in Graphic Design from the International University of La Paz, ... Read moreRead more

Pedro Guillermo Ramón Celis

Guillermo Ramón Celis (Mexico City, MEX, 1986) is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at Indiana University Bloomington. His research interests ... Read moreRead more

Hilary Morgan V. Leathem

Dr Hilary Morgan V. Leathem (Evanston, IL, USA, 1988) is an anthropologist of heritage and writer. Previously a fellow at ... Read moreRead more

Jen Crawford

Jen Crawford was born in Patea, New Zealand, and spent her early years in New Zealand and the Philippines. Her ... Read moreRead more

Paul Collis

Paul Collis is a Barkindji man. He was born in Bourke, in far north/west New South Wales. His early life ... Read moreRead more

Paul Magee

Paul Magee studied in Melbourne, Moscow, San Salvador and Sydney. He writes poetry and scholarly works — the latter ranges ... Read moreRead more

Zena Abdulrahman Musa

Zena Abdulrahman Musa is a programmes officer for the Nubian Rights Forum Citizenship Paralegal Program and other projects that are ... Read moreRead more

Geraldine Frieslaar

Dr Geraldine Frieslaar is the Curator of Research, Dialogue and Social Justice at Stellenbosch University Museum at Stellenbosch University, where ... Read moreRead more

Nanor Der Bogossian

Nanor is a Graphic designer and UX designer and she works in a variety of creative fields. She is the ... Read moreRead more

Luna Akil

Luna is an illustrator/ animator. She is currently working on a diversity of freelance individual creative projects. IG handle:@lunaakil.artRead more

Hoda Mekkaoui

Hoda is an architect & urban practitioner, with an emphasis on green solutions and sustainability.Read more

Dina Mneimneh

Dina Mneimneh is an urban practitioner and researcher with a focus on cultural heritage. She currently teaches architectural and urban ... Read moreRead more

Hanadi Samhan

Hanadi Samhan is an urban practitioner, Ph.D. candidate at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) UCL and a tutor at ... Read moreRead more

Richard Chale

Mr. Richard Chale is an amateur historian residing in Songea. He has been working with Sinyati & Biginagwa in Ruvuma ... Read moreRead more

Sinyati Robinson Mark

Ms. Sinyati Robinson Mark (MA Dar, Tz) is a palaeoethnobotanists and heritage expert based at University of Dar es Salaam. ... Read moreRead more

Thomas Biginagwa

Dr Thomas Biginagwa (PhD York, UK) is a historical archaeologist and heritage expert based at the University of Dar es ... Read moreRead more

George Bosompim

George Bosompim is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and a lecturer at the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI) Ghana. He ... Read moreRead more

Rebecca Ohene-Asah

Rebecca Ohene-Asah has close to two decades experience in audio-visual media training and practice in Ghana. She studied for a ... Read moreRead more

Hawa Mkwela

Dr. Hawa Mkwela is a qualified lecturer and social sciences researcher with over 15 years of experience in teaching at ... Read moreRead more

Elizabeth Kyazike

Elizabeth Kyazike has a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Dar es Salaam. She is currently a senior lecturer ... Read moreRead more

Abiti Adebo Nelson

Abiti Adebo Nelson is the co-investigator on the Un-archived horrors of slavery at Fort Patiko: Rethinking the historical narratives of ... Read moreRead more

Noel Lwoga

Dr. Noel Lwoga is the Director General of the National Museums of Tanzania and Senior Lecturer (Part-Time) of heritage and ... Read moreRead more

Maimuna Ismail

Maimuna Ismail was born at Bumangi village in Butiama district found in Musoma-Mara region. She is currently working at TUDARCo ... Read moreRead more

Bertha Raphael Letara

Bertha Raphael Letara is an Assistant Lecturer at Tumaini University Dar es salaam College. She holds a master degree in ... Read moreRead more

Felistas Richard Mahonge

Felistas Richard Mahonge is a senior lecturer at Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College. She holds a PHD in Literature ... Read moreRead more

Nicholas Joseph Kavishe

Mr. Nicholas Joseph Kavishe is a Tourism & Wildlife Expert and Safari Guide living in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. As an enthusiastic ... Read moreRead more

Necmi Aksoy

Co-I and Consultant Prof. Dr. Necmi Aksoy graduated in Faculty of Forestry (Karadeniz Technical University) in 1996 and gained  MSc ... Read moreRead more

Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez

Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez is a Near Eastern Archaeologist who holds a PhD in Information and Records Management from Ankara University ... Read moreRead more

Anthonia Bertholomeo Mnkama

Anthonia Bertholomeo Mnkama is a Master’s degree student on Tourism Management in the department of Tourism sciences, university of BISU ... Read moreRead more

Ndesumbuka Merinyo

Ndesumbuka Merinyo is an artist, writer, designer and researcher in culture. He has published four books and various articles in ... Read moreRead more

Ramlat Hassan

Ramlat Hassan is a Designer/tailor & professional makeup artist who has worked with Auto lamps trading limited as a cashier ... Read moreRead more

Zahra Khalid

Zahra Khalid is a paralegal and finance officer at the Forum Citizenship paralegal Program. She has a Bachelor of Commerce ... Read moreRead more

JC Niala

JC Niala (IF PI) is an anthropologist, curator and historian with an interest in how language functions as a cultural ... Read moreRead more

David Tei-Mensah Adjartey

David is a researcher at the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. He is currently ACLS ... Read moreRead more

Camillo Boano

Camillo Boano is a Full Professor of Urban Design and Critical Theory at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) and ... Read moreRead more