Tanga, Arusha, Manyara regions and Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania
Ndesumbuka Lamtane Merinyo (PI)
Ailinda Sawe (CoI)
This research project aims at addressing the lack of knowledge and appreciation of the dressing cultures and lifestyles in Tanzania. Researching into traditional costume design practice and the accompanying cultural industries will open a glimpse into a hitherto untapped and unappreciated knowledge base. It will also try to take a closer look at the interventionist approaches and impositions on communities by colonialists and newly independent government apparatus and their effects on the development of dress culture of the communities. Archiving this knowledge base in digital form will open this essential information to the public for academic and general consumption.
- To trace the transformation of traditional dressing customs and costumes of selected communities in Tanzania
- To determine the relationship between traditional dressing customs and costumes of selected communities in Tanzania and emerging contemporary ways of dressing
- To determine the influence of related social and cultural industries on dressing tradition of selected communities in Tanzania
- To document design and style on dressing traditions of Tanzania
- Bung’eda burial ceremony, Haydom, Manyara: 21st November, 2021
- Community court in Haydom, Manyara: 20th November, 2021
- Presentation and Discussions at IF Tz Lab in Dar es Salaam: 27th November, 2021
- Interview with Lushoto District Cultural Officer, Lushoto, Tanga: 12th July, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Mghwashi, Lushoto, Tanga: 13th to 20th July, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Kwemakame, Lushoto, Tanga: 21st to 29th July, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Baga, Bumbuli, Tanga: 2nd to 7th August, 2021
- Interview with Arusha City Cultural Officer: 29th September, 2021
- Interview with Arusha Meru District Cultural officer: 30th September, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Arumeru, Arusha: 1st to 8th October, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Arusha City, Arusha: 11th to 19th October, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Monduli, Arusha: 20th to 28th October, 2021
- Interview with Mbulu District Cultural Officer, Mbulu, Manyara; 29th October, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Dongobesh ward, Manyara: 1st to 6th November, 2021
- Visit to Four Corners Cultural Program community museum, Haydom, Manyara; 8th to 11th November, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Haydom ward, Manyara: 15th to 20th November, 2021
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions in Katesh ward, Manyara; 22nd to 25th November, 2021
- Presentation and Discussions at IF Tz Lab in Dar es Salaam: 27th November, 2021
- Interview with contemporary designer in Dar es Salaam; 2nd, 3rd and 6th December, 2021

All images copyright Ndesumbuka Lamtane Merinyo